M&Ms - Watch with M


Watching M&M’s Red and Yellow watching their fave shows. Watch with M.


Red and Yellow: at times squabbling siblings, at times thick as thieves, these two are in it for the long haul. They’re stuck together, (whether Red likes it or not) so they might as well spend their time wisely, watching the latest shows and movies. 

Positioning the M&M’s characters as the “ultimate streaming buddies.” We created a series of adaptable “Gogglebox” style vignette animations starring Red and Yellow, exploring and reflecting streaming culture and behaviour, (marathon viewing sessions, “cheating” on your partner with the next ep of your fave show, the mixed reactions when your fave character dies…) that could be reactively linked to popular streaming shows.

Leaning into data insights around popular streaming shows and moments, we could then update these animations to reflect our audience’s behaviour, without having to explicitly partner with the shows referenced.

These animation assets were then extended into GIPHY stickers (4 million views) and Snapchat filters (57 million engagements, 1 million shares.)